Maya Victoria Rego

Dance Marathon at UCLA 2025

Let's do this!

I joined Dance Marathon!

I joined a team!

I shared my page!

I got my first donation!

I made a donation to my page!

I'm halfway to my fundraising goal!

I reached my fundraising goal!

My Updates

My PAC Journey

Thursday 31st Oct
Hello and welcome to my fundraising page!

These last few weeks, the first of my senior year, I’ve been reflecting back on my UCLA journey, a large portion of which is PAC. 

My freshman year, I really struggled at UCLA. Academically, I was used to small, intimate classes at my private high school, and felt it difficult to stay engaged and passionate about my classes in such large lecture spaces. Personally, I lacked a community, something I was not used to having grown up with sports and arts and thus creating communities through those activities. I really wanted to transfer, but I decided to stick it through until I found that community. I knew it existed, I just had to find it.

The following year, I decided to rush in the fall, something I never imagined doing — and thankfully I did. During rush, I met a girl named Katerina in the Chi Omega sorority. Not only did Kat make me realize that Chi O was the sorority for me, she introduced me to another club she was part of - the Pediatric Aids Coalition, or PAC. At first I was hesitant — I was not a pre-med student, had no background in science or health and was confused why she would encourage me to join. But Kat told me that PAC was not a club for pre-med students, and instead included students from all different academic departments who worked on a variety of committees, all with different responsibilities. She told me she was the co-director of Entertainment, and as a Music Industry Student, ENT had given her the opportunity to work with artists all across the LA area for Dance Marathon, PAC’s annual 16-hour fundraising event. Two weeks later, I submitted my application. And a week after that, I was a member of the 2022-2023 Entertainment Committee. 

My journey in PAC continued the following school year, where I served as the co-director of Entertainment alongside the person who pushed me to join PAC: Katerina. Now, in my final year at UCLA, I’ll be serving as the Executive Director of Production, overseeing my beloved Entertainment, as well as Media, Morale, and Internal Events.

Joining PAC was by far the best decision I have made during my time at UCLA. The people in PAC became that community I was so desperately searching for. Through it, I met one of my best friends at UCLA (shoutout Lily) and created beautiful, life-changing relationships with some truly special people. I’ve also worked on a cause, AIDS & HIV research, treatment, and destigmatization, that has fundamentally changed my perception of the world. Being gifted the opportunity to speak with those who are directly affected by the work we do, from educational programs to the money we raise, has changed my life.

I’m so grateful to this organization for all it has done for me, and all it has done for this cause. I know that in eight months, when I walk across that stage and receive my diploma, I will be so proud to have finished my UCLA experience being part of such an inspiring group. I’m sad to only have one year left, but I know that the organization will be left in good hands.

I hope these words have inspired you to make any contribution, large or small, to my fundraising page. Your donations are helping us reach our goal of an AIDS-free generation.


Thank you to my Sponsors


Bertha Espinosa

So proud of you


Horacio Gomez

Good luck with the fund raiser Maya!!!! Love you. Netor


Pete Gomez

Good luck Maya!


Alfredo Gomez

Great job sweetie


Chris And Carolina Damian


David & Ana Maria

We love you Maya


Jill Band And John Abisch

Good luck Maya


Debbie Payne


Ray Alvarez

Amazing cause!



Go for it, Maya!


Martha Gagliano

Good luck reaching your goal!!


Mary Molina-carballo

I’m so proud of everything you have accomplished. Continue to be generous of your time to give back to others. Love you Maya!!!


Juan Carlos

Hi Maya, good luck in the fund raising! John Molina


Catie Cable



Carly Yoon



Erin Espinosa


Will Hayes

Go Maya!!


Katerina Rally

TO THE BEST CO EVER! So so proud of you Maya you are forever my favorite PAC star 🌟❤️🩷 I love you and this org so so much! Can’t wait for Dance Marathon🕺🥳


Max Rego


Irene Martinez

From one Dance Marathoner to another 😘


Sienna Janes



Veronica Sanjurjo

Superstar 🫶🏼


Molina Advertising Group


Alexandra Torres Arsuaga


Aiden Western

for being the bravest member of eboard by sending that text


Maya Rego


Maya Rego


Maya Rego

Our Team

Rowan Kruger

Raised so far:


Caroline Meyers

Raised so far:


Sasha Avakyan (C)

Raised so far:


Eleonore Haas

Raised so far:


Carly Yoon

Raised so far:


Michelle Jeong

Raised so far:


Jayden Tan

Raised so far:


Alexis DiMaria

Raised so far:


Grace Shoemaker

Raised so far:


Joy Wu

Raised so far:


Caterina Marji

Raised so far:


Ava Western

Raised so far:


Lily Anderson

Raised so far:


Natalie Quilala

Raised so far:


Caroline Breckling

Raised so far:


Lena Brooks-Kelly

Raised so far:


Ronjini Chatterjee

Raised so far:


Mia Tracy

Raised so far:


Grace Strottman

Raised so far:


Julia Paternostro

Raised so far:


Hanna Masri

Raised so far:


Hannah Mirmohammadi

Raised so far:


Maya Victoria Rego

Raised so far:


Fiona Choi

Raised so far:


Sarah Barsamian

Raised so far:


Audrey Yung


Raised so far:


Avery Dunn

Raised so far:


Sophia Snipes

Raised so far:


Alyssa Orantes

Raised so far:


Bella Roden

Raised so far:


Alex Wolford

Raised so far:


Jenny Gutierrez

Raised so far:


Charis Gonzales

Raised so far:


Ingrid Yambao

Raised so far:



Raised so far:


Kaitlyn Heinecke

Raised so far:


Stephanie Manasyan

Brandon Ignacio

Raised so far:



Raised so far:


Khalif Kamil

Raised so far:


Amy Duong

Anabel Asencio


Raised so far:


Diya Singhal

Raised so far:


Rhianna C

Raised so far:



Raised so far:


mason tsang

Raised so far:


Christian Huang

Raised so far:


Lily Martin

Raised so far:


Julia Connelly

Raised so far:


Audrey Dathe

Raised so far:


Shirin Dunker

Raised so far:



Natalia Capote

Raised so far:


Victoria Scanlon

Raised so far:


Grace Arellano

Vivien Nguyen

Raised so far:


Sarah Min

Tiya Shah

Rebecca Swain

Leyna Nguyen

Raised so far:



Raised so far:


Kamara Lindsey

Raised so far:


Victoria Fiorelli

Raised so far:


Naina Aggarwal

Raised so far:


Jacquie Garcia

Raised so far:


Quinn Campbell

Raised so far:


Alexia Herrera

Raised so far:


Vanessa Richards

Raised so far:


Anna Boyd

Ela Defne Erkan

Raised so far:


Shereen Ahmed

Lizzy Vassantachart

Raised so far:


Elizabeth Do

Raised so far:


Litsa Dimitropoulos

Raised so far:


Ash Uzun

Raised so far:



Raised so far:


Emma Mauri

Raised so far:


Caroline Lopez

Raised so far:


Sonia Parikh

haley cannady

Raised so far:


Jahnie Hoffman

Raised so far:


Sofia Ayesta Hollstein

Raised so far:


Caroline Sippey

Raised so far:


Precious Oniha

Raised so far:


Natalie Taylor

Raised so far:


Holly Foothorap

Raised so far:


Camilla Hinrichsen

Raised so far:


Katelyn Wayland

Raised so far:


Catie Cable

Raised so far:
